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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Serato System

Rane the company responsible for Serato which makes both Scratch Live and Itch. Itch is similar in many ways to Scratch Live, but at its core it is the software that drives integrated solutions such as the Vestax VCI 300. Scratch Live is a DVS – it’s founded on the principle that it can be added to an existing turntable/CD setup to bolster a user’s options and complement their existing work flow.
Both Itch and Scratch Live are proprietary systems; without compatible, licensed hardware neither will run just like pro tools. Scratch Live will only run with certain Rane hardware, and every product you pick will give you different options, from the basic SL1 box to the world beating Sixty Eight. Itch is a bespoke solution for the product it is paired with, and customization isn’t really possible. I feel Serato is a great program but the limitations make it a little undesirable. Having use Serato in the club i found that i would not be able to carry out certain task that would have made the show a different experience. 

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